3 Quotes & Sayings By Js Goldstine

J.S. Goldstine, born in September of 1904, was a pioneer in the field of information theory. He is best known for his discovery of Goldstine's Law, which states that the capacity of a communication channel is proportional to the logarithm of the number of bits transmitted through it. In most applications, the capacity is measured in bits per second Read more

In 1948 he discovered a similar law for error correcting codes and is sometimes referred to as Goldstine's Second Law.

One thing I have learned is that the people who label you are usually the ones who know the least about who you really are and they have never made the effort to learn different. J.S. Goldstine
If you really care about Charlotte, don't be afraid to tell her. Believe me, it will hurt her a lot more not hearing the words than it will hurt you to say them. J.S. Goldstine